Политзаключённый — мой друг. Бери и дружи уже сейчас!

Platform to support political prisoners in Belarus

1748 people are now in prison for our freedom

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Why to get back to politzek.me?

Always updated addresses for letters
Urgent calls for help

Together — we are strong!


times you’ve shared stories about your friends in prison

19 862

you’ve become friends with political prisoners


The average cost of a regular care package — 250$ U.S. dollars. The average cost of a lawyer's visit is 100$. This can be an impressive amount for a Belarusian family, so we do fundraising for such families. Join us.


Need support this week

Write a letter to those who particularly need support now: they might be having a birthday soon, going through a trial, or are getting few letters.

Денис Греханов

Dzianis Hrakhanau

Approaching birthday
Роман Скопцов

Raman Skaptsou

Few letters
Владимир Рубашевский

Uladzimir Rubasheuski

Approaching birthday
Денис Денисов

Dzianis Dzianisau

Few letters


You definitely know them!

I miss you all tremendously — there are no words to express this. However, there is not doubt that everything will be all right!

— Maria Kalesnikava in a letter to her father

Мария (Марфа) Рабкова

Marfa Rabkova

Your friend
Эдуард Бабарико

Eduard Babaryka

Your friend
Виктор Бабарико

Viktar Babaryka

Your friend
Игорь Лосик

Ihar Losik

Your friend

1748 political prisoners would love to hear from you

All political prisoners